Residential Care
Akooramak Home for the Aged is a Commonwealth Government approved and subsidised residential aged care facility. Under the provisions of the Aged Care Act 1997, the facility and service fully complies with all legislative requirements, including the approved quality standards, quality of care principles, building certification, and financial, prudential and governance reporting. The facility and services also complies with all relevant State and Local Authority legislative requirements.
The facility offers:
- Care provision from meeting very basic care needs to very significant care needs
- All accommodation is in single ensuited rooms, either new, almost new or newly refurbished and air-conditioned (with the exception of ten rooms yet to be refurbished)
- Nursing services are provided 24/7
- Care and care support (hotel type) services are provided by caring, skilled, competent, well-trained employees
- Full catering services are provided fresh cooked on site from a fully accredited service, with the capacity to meet every dietary and nutritional requirement
- Full commercial laundry service
- Visiting allied health professionals
- An extensive range of lifestyle activities
- Visiting hairdressing services

Residential Respite Care
Short term residential respite care is also available. This is subject to the applicant holding approval for respite care, and subject to availability. There is a high demand for respite placement and advanced bookings are recommended.
Residential Dementia Care
Within the residential care services there are two (2) secure memory support wings, both of fourteen (14) beds, for the specific care of older persons living with dementia.
“Why a Secure Unit?” Residents admitted to the memory support wings have specific dementia care needs because of impaired capacity. Risk Assessments are initially carried out and regularly reviewed in respect to their ongoing safety and security. We have a duty of care for each resident’s safety and security. Should a resident be accidently allowed to leave the facility un-accompanied it would create significant distress on the resident, relatives, visitors and staff, and for this reason, it is our practice to manage entry and departure from these secure wings.
An acceptance of placement is Bromley Court is an acceptance of placement in a secure unit/environment. Residents are free to come and go while accompanied by a suitable relative or friend.